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The persistence of karma


I�ve learned an interesting lesson about karma lately. I�ve learned it has a long reach and actions taken long ago can follow you down through the rest of your life.

By coincidence, there is a person working for the city that knew my youngest sister in high school. They had been in the same group of friends. Best friends. One day, for reasons I don�t know, the rest of the group decided to exclude youngest sister. She was crushed. That I am aware of the incident at all is a testament to the intensity of my sister�s feelings. I was a freshman in college at the time and had an older sister�s indifference to the goings on in a younger sister�s life.

On my first day in this job I introduced (re-introduced?) to this person. It was all I could do keep from snarling at her when I realized who she was. I may forgive something done to me, but mess with one of my loved ones and I�ll never forget. However, I maintained my composure and was, and continue to be polite.

Because I have an interest in antiques it was several times suggested that I talk to her. I said no, one time tersely enough for someone to ask why. When I explained my feelings stories about her started to seep out of the woodwork. She�s not that well thought of by her coworkers, and has some rather odd stuff in her personality makeup.

I feel kind of bad, gossiping like that, but I also find it interesting and disturbing. An action taken many years ago can follow you and affect how people see you. I wonder what kind of things I have done that will haunt me that way.

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