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House-sitter and Painting


We finally got around to asking our friend to take care of our house and contents while we're gone. Feed the cats, feed the turtles, water the plants.

I'm kind of worried about the nepenthes. I've only lost one in the last year and I don't think I can say 'Use only distilled water on these' to our friend. You can only ask so much. I'll probably move them into the house so they don't dry out.

I do have to face the fact that the plants are going to die. Probably not the stuff I'm really fond of, because they're pretty weather tolerant. But the tomatoes, sunflowers, etc. that I have in the big pots in the middle of the patio have to be watered every day. So I'm guessing that they're going to be toast by the time we get back. At least they are annuals and not something that I've put a ton of money or time into.

We got the notice today that the painting in our area of the complex is starting on Tuesday. I'm going to have to trim stuff away from the walls, and move as many of the plants as possible out of the way of the painters. They won't paint the patio cover or the wall at the end of patio, so I can move stuff down there. I can put some of the smaller stuff on my work table. Aren't glass surfaces wonderful. No worries about water marks.

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