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Serenity on the Road


So, did darn near nothing useful over the weekend. Did not once leave the house. Sat on the patio and read a lot. Collected baby caterpillars. Have seven teeny tinys right now, and the butterflys flit about all day. I've released six so far. The place looks more and more like a jungle. The last time my mom came over she asked me where Tarzan was. I always did want to be Tarzan when I was a kid. Hang around in the jungle and play with the animals. Didn't want to be Jane. She's a wimp. Always getting kidnapped by hostiles or trampled by runaway elephants.

I did burn my very first music CD of stuff I downloaded off of Amazon. I was downloading some stuff to put on my PDA and there was this little button on the MP3 player that said 'Burn'. So I did. I'm not sure whether to be proud 'cause I did it with so little trouble or ashamed that it took me so long to try. Ah well. In any case I have music on my PDA and a new CD. I really like the stuff I downloaded. It's by a duo called Rasa. It kind of reminds me of Loreena McKennitt. They do Bengali and Sanskrit chants. I'm really enjoying it. Going to have to buy the whole CD. It's very serene. Good music for driving in Orange County. Three accidents in ten miles on the way home last night and four on the way to work this morning. I could use a little serenity.

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