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The Incredible Disappearing Box


So now I�m all set up to be paranoid about working in public office. I�m infecting my co-workers, but I�d still rather be over-cautious than complacent.

On Friday both I and my co-worker were at our desks before 8:00 AM. At about that time a man came up the elevator and walked into the men�s restroom. He had a box under his left arm.

A couple of moments later he came out of the restroom, sans box, and came into our lobby. He said that he was working on the restrooms; they�re redoing the restrooms and they want to make some measurements. Would we please make sure there is no one in the ladies room so he can go in and measure? He adds, rather hesitantly, that there are supposed to be eight floors, but he only sees 7.

My co-worker, a far braver person that I, goes out and checks for him. He�s in there less than 10 seconds and then he leaves. Not nearly enough time to take even one measurement and write it down.

Co-worker and I spent the next 15 minutes discussing the anomalies of our visitor. He didn�t have a badge. All of the bathrooms on all of the floors are identical. What happened to the box? Mostly, again and again, what happened to the box?

Co-worker called the appropriate department and asked about the person. Yes, they have had someone. Yes, he did fit the description. But he�d been escorted off the property half an hour ago. This information did not comfort me. They also seemed concerned about the disappearing box. That information did comfort me. They were taking us seriously.

They said they would call the person back from wherever he was going to assuage our fears. And they did.

In due time the manager of the maintenance department brought our mad box leaving person up the elevator and showed us the incredible disappearing box, a clipboard, and told us why the gentleman had returned; he was wondering how a building 7 floors tall had 8 floors. (Ground floor, below ground level.)

I was embarrassed, doubly so because I feel like I infected my co-worker with my paranoia. I�m sorry I caused someone just doing their job trouble. But I�m not ashamed. The guy did something he wasn�t supposed to do, come back without his badge or without someone wearing one.

Oh, and the disappearing box, it was a clipboard. Viewed from the side, we both saw it as a box; on edge, a simple clipboard.

I still feel kind of stupid, but if I was someone working on that floor, I�d rather have someone who noticed the details and said something than someone who noticed and said nothing until after it was too late.

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