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And Sister Carved the Roast Beast


Spouse and I went over to my folk�s house for dinner yesterday. Youngest sister was there with her husband and kids as well. My nieces and nephews have discovered that if they want to get their uncle to do something, all they have to do is ask. So he becomes a large kid toy and human ride. He�ll do darn near anything they ask. A dozen times in row, usually.

I tried to con them into going on another adventure in the yard, finding things for me to take pictures of, but they weren�t going for it. My sister, on the other hand, kept pointing things out to me. It worked. I got some pictures, though I haven�t looked at them yet.

Spouse, youngest sister, I and the kids walked down to the park late in the afternoon. Just walking in my parent�s neighborhood is an exercise in nostalgia for me. The trees are bigger and older, the houses are different colors, but so much is the same as it was when I was a kid. That one section of sidewalk where kids scrawled their names in the wet cement. The ditch where I used to collect pollywogs. The park is the same, and yet different. The trees are the same, but the old rocket slide with a slide and submarine are gone. Everything�s all bright plastic and new.

Then we all trooped back home and dinner was ready. Roast �beast� as everyone in our family says, mashed potatoes, gravy. And homemade apple pie. All I can say is that it beat the heck out of working/playing on the computer all day.

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