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Clearing out


I cringe when I look at the photos from this vacation. Mom paid way too high a price for this trip.

I'm looking forward to taking her shopping tomorrow. I haven't been over there often enough lately.

I think I'll price some stuff up and take it to the antique mall while I'm at it. I haven't done anything on that front in a month.

I planted a few things that have been sitting around waiting for me to find places for them. I've decided to buy the smallest size of any plant I want to plant in the yard. They grow, and the holes are much easier to dig if they're smaller. Used my brand-new, sized-for-a-short-person shovel. It's an improvement over the big one. Not so much wrestling involved.

I've been ignoring the planters for way too long and it shows. I don't really like them. They're only a couple of feet wide, all around the edges of the patio. Not a useful size for any real planting. But ignoring them doesn't make them any prettier, so I've been clearing them out and mulching.

I was thinking about it this weekend while I was working. While clearing out dead nastutiums I was also clearing out empty snail shells. I haven't seen a slug or a snail in my yard in a really long time. I know that slugs and snails don't like caffeine, but I don't think there's enough in the cocoa mulch to stop them. I spent years patrolling the yard for snails and now there aren't any. Weird.

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