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A wonderfule afternoon


Had a great afternoon today, and it's still not over.

It really started to rain right after I got home. Was IMing wonderful spouse with a few last minute additions to the grocery list and asking his dinner preference when it really started to rain.

We both exclaimed about the thunder at the same time with the same words. I told him he owed me a coke but I'd take lunch dinner at the local rib place tomorrow.

Then it started to hail! That's about as exciting as weather gets in California. More lightening and thunder. One of the cats took refuge under my desk.

Then I went upstairs to use the treadmill. Get my miles out of the way while he was still gone and then cook dinner while he is using the treadmill.

I did a couple of miles and then came downstairs. It had stopped raining and the cool felt good after the exercise. I wandered around the patio, picking peas and eating them, picking cumquats and eating them, eating parsley out of the herb pot. A dove was cooing, the birds were all singing. Everyone getting ready for spring. Rain wet leaves brushed my arms and legs, cooling my skin.

I really love getting off work at 2:30 in the afternoon.

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