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Kisses of Fire


We went to Disneyland today. And a fine time was had by all. My sister�s husband has done a lot of work for Disney and one of his contacts gives him passes to the park every holiday season. This year my sister had yearly passes and so didn�t really need the one-time tickets. She gave them to us and we went.

The pass we got was good for both parks, California Adventure and Disneyland. We hadn�t been the California park before, so we went there first. There�s one ride, Soaring Over California, that I just loved. I dream about flying frequently. Not in-a-plane flying, but that I am flying. That ride was so like those dreams. Right down to being cold.

Then we went to Disneywalk for dinner. Beloved spouse told me that this would be his �anniversary dinner.� I thought he was a little insane, as we�d had our anniversary dinner months before, but I�m always up for a nice meal.

The wonderful spouse ordered a jambalaya dish with a habanera pepper on top. The waitress warned him about it. He took one little bite off the end. No problem, on with dinner. We sat, talking about our day. He took another bite. No problem. More conversation ensued. He took a third bite. I looked at him; my adventurous husband, and just had to kiss him.

Three seconds later the tip of my tongue was on fire. Then my lips. Damn! Remind me to wait a few minutes before kissing Mr. Habanera lips. Ouch!

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