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Money Tree


Did not go outside at all yesterday. Usual habit when I get home is to change clothes and sit outside and read for a while. I really should do that. The year is spinning fast towards Fall. It's dark when I get up now, and it's getting dark earlier and earlier in the evening. I hate that. I can feel the slow turn of the planet away from the sun. I need to make the most of the available daylight hours. Outside.

On the other hand, I did work on the website again last night. Every time I look at it I find twenty more things I would like to change and/or fix. Ack! I really want to update the look of the whole thing. But first I need to update my skills. And maybe my software.

Went shopping today. Bought new shoes and a new tree for my desk. Three out of the four trunks had died. I'm murder on house plants. Literally. The girl at the booth explained to me that they are money trees and the more leaves there are the more money you have. There are four trunks so that you'll have money in all four seasons. Well, I sure want money in all four seasons, not just one.

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