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Spending Too Much


OK. It's official. I am one of the worlds biggest plant geeks. We went to see 'Minority Report' this weekend. My favorite part of the whole movie was the part that took place in the greenhouse. I spent my time trying to identify the plants. I kept thinking 'I have one of those!' I was waiting to see if there would be nepenthes and sure enough there were. I wonder how long it will take mine to get to be that size?

I liked the movie, but I was frequently distracted by the gagetry. Not that I minded. Cool stuff. I really want to know how those cars are supposed to work.

I went and spent all of my disposable income for the next few weeks on plants. Several of the plants in our little seating area outside the front door have died and I need to put something there. So I decided that maybe I should go tropical. I have problems with fungus and bugs in that area. It's sheltered and it never gets much direct sunlight. It tends to be pretty humid as well and the outlet from the dryer doesn't help that situation.

I'm hoping the tropicals will be able to handle the humidity. It's probably time I emptied all the pots and scrubbed them out with bleach. Not one of my favorite hobbies.

When I mentioned that I wanted to give the area a more tropical feeling spouse said that it was a good idea and he'd always liked tropical. So I went and bought two bromeliads, a prayer plant and a canna. Just the beginning.

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