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An Irritant is Introduced


Got a call last night from Dad. Calling from home. � sigh -- His doctor forgot about him until Dad called him at home. The doctor admitted his fault and raced over and set Dad loose. I called Mom several times during the day, but she wasn�t there. I assumed, correctly, that she was at the hospital. She was really afraid that she might lose him. Now that he�s here, she wants to be with him. When I went to the hospital on Monday, she was like a different person. She exuded happiness from every pore.

Got a call from my husband yesterday; asking whether it would be all right if stepson �stays� with us. Grrrrr. There are lots of things that I have planned for my life; living with a scroungy, smelly, post-adolescent who doesn�t brush his teeth often enough wasn�t among them. There are going to be new rules. Foremost of which is don�t piss me off. I�m in a state of high irritation and I can make his life hell. I already want to, and am holding myself back by force of will. The best thing he can do for both of us right now is stay out of my way as much as possible.

I haven�t spent any time at all in the yard for almost a week. And I am not likely to any time soon. It�s game night tonight. I need to buy birthday presents for the twins tomorrow. Birthday party on Sunday. I still need a couple of days off to recover from my wonderful weekend. And I�ve had a brand new irritant introduced into my shell, one that I think is very unlikely to produce anything even vaguely pearl-like. Augggh! I need green to maintain my very precarious sanity.

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